To supporters of State Parks:
This week the Legislature
announced its proposed budgets for the remainder
of the 2003 fiscal year and
the 2004 fiscal year.
These budgets included taking $20 million for the
Heritage Fund for 2003 and
$10 million for 2004 for a total of a $30 million
dollar hit to the Heritage
For fiscal year 2002 the Heritage
Fund only received $17.5 million.
As soon as the Game & Fish and State
Parks departments release information
as what affect this will have on their
programs our web site at
will be updated.
However we already know that this will result in the
closure of a number of
State Parks, the end of many educational and
other programs, the loss of
matching Federal funds and heightened threats to
our wildlife and other
We need you help on Monday &
Please call or email your legislators and ask your members to
call their
legislators and request that the Heritage Fund not be swept into
the General
The loss of this program will not only damage
our State's resources but its
loss will cause additional damage to our
current economy.
To contact your Representatives or find your
Legislator's name
please click the link below
forgive me if you receive this message more than once. Suzanne
- State Parks Board Chairman
We will be known by the tracks we leave behind