Hi List!
First, thanks
to Ken and Libby for representing geocaching. Libby, did
you get to do any
Prescott caches? Nope it was like very COLD up
Anyway, my point....Ken brought out that the "officials"
should check
the website and email owners of any caches that were too near
restricted sites that they oversee. Libby mentioned we should
ourselves. I have no problem with either or both approaches (to
sure we are not putting caches in "bad" places) but my question
and maybe Libby can answer this as she said we should
ourselves....if the archeological sites are UN-published, how can
find out where we can NOT put caches?? If we talk to
the land manager and ask for permission when we have a area in mind. They can
tell you if the area is ok. From my personal experence I ask about a site with
state trust land. The guys asked me to please consider a different location.
Since I have never made it to that location I have not hidden the cache. Once
people start asking they will know if it's a "good"area.or a "bad" area.
Remenber that parts of the forest may be closed during different times of the
year for different reasons " fire, birthing, errosion ect"
Maybe this has already been
answered in the past few months, if so, I
missed it and need to know.
I just placed a couple new caches this
month near Prescott (PNF) and I
have no idea is I was near a sensitive site
or not (that's why they
are unpublished, right, so people won't go there?)
ask your local ranger they will be glad to help you or get
a hold of the site stewart manger in the area and ask her. To find the
name of the site stewart manage in your area contact the program or myself and
i will act as a go between.
Did the site stewards give us any
direction as to how we are supposed
to find out where we can't place
caches? I'm happy to comply with any
request or law, but I can't be
expected to read minds. If we just follow the rule for the
game and ask first there will not be any problems.
We will be known by the tracks we leave