As the crow flies, taking the direct (shortest?) route to get to all 6
stages, about 130 miles. Add about 30% for actual driving distances and I'd
guess about 170 miles.
LazyK - Dan
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Wood []
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Mileage?
If you consider that "Chain Cache" actually involves six different independent
caches, that averages out to around 28 miles per cache. Even this average
is more than the under 20 miles involved in "Sprocket's Challenge: Chasing
the Goose." That is, if you don't make any errors or take any wrong turns
along the way. That's part of the challenge, though.
Speaking of which.. does anyone know of the status of this cache? I visited
on November 10th or somewhere's around there. Could not find part #1. I
posted a no find log on it. Ibby then also posted a no find log. There was a
note log by the cache owner saying it was gone and that it had been
replaced. I returned and found part #1. It still took me nearly 30 minutes
to find it. It was hidden VERY well! We then went to part #2 and found it
quickly. On to part #3.. could not find it. We could very possibly have just
simply not found it considering how well the first part was hidden. However,
I would bet we spent (me and a teammate) close to an hour searching for part
#3 and could not find anything with coordinates on it or any object that may
have had coordinates. We probably turned over every rock in the area and
every piece of garbage as well in the area. No dice. Is it there? I again
posted a no find log on November 24th. There has been no more logs (find,
note, no find or otherwise) since my no find log. I find it hard to beleive
no one has gone out there searching. Probably not posting any logs that they
could not find it. I would guess the two no find logs are scaring people
away from this cache. So, a note log from the cache owner saying they
checked on it would be helpful if they ever want to see another log on their
cache! Usually after a couple/few no find logs, I find that most teams just
stay away from a given cache until they see a find log or something from the
cache owner saying it is there, has been replaced.. whatever. I know I
usually do that.
Anyways, if anyone has any info on this cache it would be helpful as I am
anxious to get out and continue it. It has been a fun cache with some really
well hidden clues.
Team Ropingthewind
I assumed there had been little activity because of the holiday season and
the change in weather. (I know my caching adventures have slowed down.)
If anyone has been "scared off" because of the no-find logs, rest assured
that "Sprocket's Challenge: Chasing the Goose" is alive and well and waiting
for someone to accept the challenge.