The funny part about what you said, is that in reality, a sharp knife is
much much safer than a dull one.
I agree with the above statement. When I was in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, we were always advised to keep our knives sharp, and the Scouting manuals provided instructions on how to sharpen knives.
A small pocketknife is a good item for a cache. A large knife is not a good item. Ammo cans make good cache containers in the backcountry (but not good for many areas in the city, due to concerns about "suspicious" activity), but live ammunition in a can is not a good item. (Could such ammunition explode if the cache gets too hot during the summer?)
Thank you for providing the permit information. I would like to go on this trip to get El Camino del Diablo cache in January.
Ken Akerman (a.k.a. Highpinter)