Good luck again, Loran.  We are looking forward to the day you return.  Stay away long enough for a few to catch up though.  I think Larry will be the man to beat for a long time.   
On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 08:36:46 -0700 (PDT) Loran Wilcox <> writes:

As soon As I started geocaching I knew I wanted a signature item. Since we are originally from Florida and I had around 400 sand dollars I knew what to use. Hence the name and the signature item.

Team Sand Dollar

I leave today. Let the race begin...

 WOLFB8 wrote:

well I have another question for you all...After doing the 12th anniversary cache yesterday... I think I have figure out why greenspeed uses that as there team name ...... But what about the rest of you...
.why did you choose the team name that use you??????
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