We suspected TeamSpring as the pharmacist in the appearance of these pills! The label artwork looked like a familiar style. It looks like the Yellow Jeep Anxiety Pills have worked. Not only have the pills calmed everyone down about seeing yellow Jeeps, I think they've also calmed down the yellow Jeeps themselves. :)

Larry Farquhar
Team "Wyle E"

-----Original Message-----
From: TeamSpringAZ@aol.com [mailto:TeamSpringAZ@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 5:43 PM
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] yellow jeep pills

Howdy folks,

       I guess the cats out of the bag now on who's been placing the Yellow Jeep Anxiety Pills.  A few months ago someone in the LISTSERV stated the need to take a pill for yellow jeep anxiety, so we came up with the idea.
      Being contentious cachers, we spent a great deal of time and effort finding an appropriate item to use. As we agree that food items should not be placed in caches due to pest infestation, melting, and generally contaminating a cache, it seemed the best item to use as the 'pills' were lemonheads, which is indeed candy. We were going to discard the candy to use yellow beads instead, but, we came across the containers we are using now.
   The container is a medical grade sterile specimen vial, that has a locking cap that is designed to seal not only dry but liquid specimens from any contaminates, viral and bacterial, but also locks as to be tamper proof. These containers are used by the state, with a faultless record as of yet. We did some testing by placing the filled containers in various locations and temps, to include next to an ant hill, as well as placing it in a microwave. During the testing there were no reactions by any pest,  no leaks or failures, presumably from the seal retarding any transmission of scent, ect.
       We are concerned about any cache contaminating as in Team Terra Buena's cache, so this letter is a fact finding mission to see if this was an isolated case (there are quite a few containers out there) or if all the rest of them should be pulled before any more damage is done. We do feel comfortable in stating there is no great risk in the YJ Pills contaminating your caches, but we will go with the consensus of the group in regard to placing them in caches in the future. We WILL be placing them in all of Team Springs caches in the future (there are 3 more in the works at this time).

Thanks for any help and opinions in this matter,
Team Spring