You've probably heard of Christmas in July, how about Halloween in July? The demons who inhabit Halloween Radioactive apparently decided to get an early start this year. You would think posting a few simple statistics on a web page would be no big deal. You would be wrong. At one point, I actually saw Tamo's head spinning around on his neck like Linda Blair in the original "Exorcist". Only uglier. Anyway, after about a hundred quadrillion tries (according to Marc), we finally have an accurate summary of the statistics we collected. If you're new to this listserv, we took a VERY unscientific survey over the last few months in conjunction with an evaluation of starting the association, and the "final" final results are finally available for viewing at: We want to emphasize that this was not even close to a rigorous survey, there is no warranty expressed or implied, the results are for entertainment purposes only, not safe for children, not safe for work, your mileage may vary, past performance is no indication of future returns, reading these statistics may cause headaches, blurred vision, fugue states, overwhelming urges to listen to Barry Manilow recordings, or other symptoms, in which case STOP READING THEM for crying out loud. If it can be disclaimed, we're disclaiming it. That aside, we hope you'll enjoy looking at the results. Steve Team Tierra Buena