Just thought we'd tell our story about being injured during a caching experience. Myself and Mrs. Wrangler were doing maintenance on our Superstition Sunset cache, and were on our way back down the hill when I noticed the evening sun was shining on Karen and remarked how pretty she looked with the sun shining on her. Just as she said "Thanks Honey", she slid down the hill and cried out in pain. After getting her the rest of the way down the hill gingerly, we took a trip to the emergency room in Mesa, where she had a flexible cast put on. She had broken two bones in her foot and bruised her ankle severely. The worst part (besides sitting in the emergency room for 8 hours) was that we had stated on our cache page how slippery the loose rock was and issued a warning to other cachers. Other than that, the worst thing we've had happen on cache hunts, is a few cholla balls stuck in our legs and arms, etc. I guess the worst could have been getting chewed on by a rattler after stepping on a snake while doing Sprockets 12 step program. Hopefully, we won't have any more injuries on our cache hunts.........Flatiron (Pat)

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert & Linda Smith
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 7:33 AM
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] worst mishap?

I guess we have not been at the game long enough to have a worst injury.  Or we are just a little too conservative.  At my advanced stage of senility I try not taking the chances that others might.  Now the second part of the question might be answered by saying that it has been somewhat expensive for me to just start and continue caching.  It is like the old potato chip saying:  "You can't have just one"  we now have 3 GPS receivers and a host of support stuff.  It is also like an addiction, I can't wait to check the email, check the newest caches in the area and actually get out there and check on a cache.  I just tell myself over and over again that it helps keep me young.
Bob Smith, Team Petite Elite

Gale wrote:

Perhaps the next question should be:

What is the worst injury you or a member of your team has experienced when caching? What was the most expensive mishap you sustained while caching?

Or should I not ask?

Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking