Ken... (Highpointer)... I know you read the listserv. If you are indeed in any way even perpherally responsible for this, and I use the word IF to give you the benefit of the doubt... ... You have sunk to a new low. Before, your long list of strange and inexpicably rude actions have been confined to Geocaching itself. This is way outside the lines. I can only hope that you are not this stupid, and that this jackass acted independently. Dave, Team Cow Spots SquishyGecko wrote: This morning I received a telephone call from someone named Ron Adams, stating that he was doing a "character reference" for Highpointer. After returning the call and informing Mr. Adams that I had never met Highpointer, he proceeded to state that Highpointer had told Mr. Adams that I was married with two children, then attempted to sell me an insurance policy. Not only do I consider this a gross misrepresentation on the part of Mr. Adams, but a gross violation of my privacy by Highpointer. I will be contacting to determine what violations of regulations may have been committed by Highpointer. I strongly encourage anyone else who receives such a call to ask Mr. Adams to add you to his "Do Not Call" list, and then report the incident to --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.691 / Virus Database: 452 - Release Date: 5/26/2004 ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger