At 12:03 PM 10/12/2003 -0700, you wrote: > >You have the ability to communicate with your GPS to upload/download >waypoints/routes/tracks, as well as import .loc ( created only for >some reason), .gpx files and .wpt files. They are then plotted on >terraserver provided sat images, and each cache is independently >hyperlinked to its respective cache. From each cache listed, you can >'find' the closest geocaches, which brings up the page with those >caches listed. Soon, there will be direct PDA interaction. > >It's free. You can also download and view over sat images recent >earthquakes in any given area terraserver has satellite photos of. Oh, >and it's written by a geocacher. > Other than it being free, how does it compare to ExpertGPS? I have been using ExpertGPS for a couple years now and love how I can switch between the Terraserver maps as well as Topo maps of an area. Scott