I corresponded with the Magellan person responsible for the Arizona cache yesterday, and I was assured that it was not in any off-limits area. She implied that after the PA fiasco, that they were learning from that mistake, and taking more precautions than before. My guess is, someone either found it and didn't log it online, taking the container with them, some kids saw all the commotion and zeroed in on the area, or the Magellan rep was instructed to come back and take it once the coupons were empty. Tamo e-mailed the person I was talking to, and is looking into a few things regarding the containers. Brian Team A.I. > > From: "RAND HARDIN" > Date: 2003/08/09 Sat PM 07:52:11 EDT > To: "AZ-Geocaching" > Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Missing Magellan cache! > > I read this morning that the Magellan cache is missing. I can't help but wonder if the cache location is actually considered part of the Preserve!? I did see a sign posted at the end of the road (a few hundred feet north of the cache site) indicating the boundary for the McDowell Mountain Preserve. I wonder if the Park Rangers had monitored the web site and confiscated the cache after the coordinates were released? > > RandMan > >