you can check out the following laws your self I found them on the net with a search on federal and state antiquity laws. HOPE THIS HELPS WITH SOME OF YOUR QUESTION opps cap lock on sorry state 39-125. Information relating to location of archaeological discoveries and places or objects included or eligible for inclusion on the Arizona register of historic places; confidentiality Nothing in this chapter requires the disclosure of public records or other matters in the office of any officer that relate to the location of archaeological discoveries as described in section 41-841 or 41-844 or places or objects that are included on or may qualify for inclusion on the Arizona register of historic places as described in section 41-511.04, subsection A, paragraph 9. An officer may decline to release this information if the officer determines that the release of the information creates a reasonable risk of vandalism, theft or other damage to the archaeological discoveries or the places or objects that are included on or may qualify for inclusion on the register. In making a decision to disclose public records pursuant to this section, an officer may consult with the director of the Arizona state museum or the state historic preservation officer. ARS-41- 865 disturbing human remains or funeral objects ARS 13-3702 DEFACING OR DAMAGING PETROGLYPHS, PICTOGRAPHS,CAVE,CAVERNS ARS 41-841 ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES ARS 41-843 PROHIBITING UNNECCARY DEFACING OF SITE OR OBJECT ARS41-844 DUTY TO REPORT DISCOVERIES federal archaeological resources protection act of 1979 16U.S.C. 470aa-470mm We will be known by the tracks we leave behind