At 07:48 PM 1/8/2003 -0700, you wrote: >Guess I won't wait for the weekend, Scott! :--) That's ok, I would have been patient. >When to meet: I propose 8:30 AM, but I'm open to other reasoning. My guess >is that makes departure times of about 5:30 from Tucson and 6:00 AM from >Phoenix (your mileage may vary), That is along the lines of what I was thinking also. I will have to do the math on when I will leave Tucson, but an 8:30 meet time sounds good. My FJ-40 is comfortable on the freeway at 65 mph, anything over that and it is a bit rough. It will do it, but it doesn't like it much. >If you are running late, but can reach us by radio, we'll wait for you. I >do think we should use FRS channel 2 (backup 12), and we might as well >ditto those channels for CB. If there are any hams going, start out on >146.52, unless someone knows a good repeater in the area. If so, please >post the frequencies and PL. I will have GMRS/FRS radios with us. I will also have handheld CB. I won't have the range as a vehicle mounted CB, but we will just have to make due. I will also e-mail Steve, and any other member of the strike force who might want it, my cell phone number off list. ( I actually get telemarkers from time to time on my cell) >Finally, where to meet. I know nothing about the area, so I propose >meeting at the gate. There must be a gate, you got a combination to the >lock when you got your permit. If meeting at the gate is okay with >everyone, I'll post some directions and coordinates in a separate message. The gate sounds like a good idea. Please post the coordinates when you get a chance. As for permits, Ann and I will be in Phoenix on Monday to obtain ours. I realize that this is cutting things a little short, but it has been the first chance we have had. I think we will actually be heading up on Sunday and hitting a few urban caches. In liberty, Scott