>From: "Brian Casteel" >Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >To: >Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] PDA's >Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:30:54 -0600 > >If you want something very basic, inexpensive and something you wouldn't >cry >over if it fell 200' down into a ravine and broke into 1000 pieces, go with >something simple/basic like a Palm IIIxe w/ cradle. Greyscale, 8MB RAM, >and >handles the text relevant to your caching adventures with ease. I have yet >to see 8MB of cache data that will make it stumble. Of course, I >categorize >my caches too, with only caches relevant to my current hunt, plus perhaps >some residual that I didn't find on another adventure. Unfound is the >default, and I created another db for ones I haven't logged yet. When I >log >them, I move those over to the Found db and it's all good. You could go >with a Tungsten unit, depending on how much pain you want to inflict on >your >wallet, or go with whatever I'm sure RTW will bring to the table here >momentarily. :) > >Brian >Team A.I. LOLOLOL :) :) :) Well Brian, you forced me to chime in! :) Actually, I dont have much to bring to the table right now. I am using an old fashioned PDA currently as well. But as Brian said, if you are looking for a simple PDA for caching and just general personal use.... the older models work just fine. I am using a Palm M130. I dont even think they make it anymore. 8MB RAM and a 100mhz processor (I think it is). I have been really wanting to upgrade my PDA to one of the latest greatest units. But they run around $400-$600. I just cant seem to want to buy a new one yet as the one I have works fine for me. I use a PDA for much more than just geocaching. I use it for business. I have it on me 24/7 almost! I use it for everything.... from simple notetaking, to storing my schedules, adress book/phone numbers, to do lists and more. I also use it to access internet on the road. Of course, for geocaching.... a PDA saves you a lot of money in wasted paper and saves a bunch of money in ink jet cartridges!!! :) As Brian mentioned in an earlier post... with a PDA... that is all you need for caching. That and your GPS. Two small units that are easy to carry in a backpack or even to carry on you. You can find the older Palm units like Brian and myself have for about $100 new online. You can probably get them alot cheaper yet on Ebay. If you want a bit of an upgrade, the new Tunstens arent that expensive either. The 3 top of the line models currently are by ASUS, Dell and HP. Dell's X51V is the latest greatest unit out there. It also is the first unit to ship with the new Windows 5.0. These 3 units have brilliant color VGA screens, 624mhz processors and more memory than you can shake a stick at. They are fast and from what I read in reviews, you can even do some gaming and graphics work on them! They are basically like bringing your desktop computer on the road with you, in one very small unit. I plan on probably getting a Dell X51V soon. I also want to go with a Pocket PC rather than a Palm. Seems like Palm has fallen way behind these days. But just havent been able to get myself to fork out $400 for one when the unit I have does what I need it to. I guess I will just wait until the one I have takes a dump on me. Of course, I have had it well over 3 years now and I use it 24/7... maybe it will never take a dump! Scott Team RTW