I like mine too. I have the Sportrak Pro. Budcam >From: "D. Nichols" >...."inferior model"....... >Wow... why do you all hate Magellan so much. Is there something I'm >missing? I guess I'm just naive, but I really like mine. > >Damian >www.geocrazy.com > _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/ ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching Arizona's Geocaching Resource http://www.azgeocaching.com