On Apr 7, 2005 11:35 AM, ShadoeCache wrote: > 1) Go to a close-up of the Capital Building in Washington, DC. Notice > anything unusual about it (compared to the surrounding area). It appears that for, "Security reasons" certain places will not appear with the same amount of detail as surrounding areas. > 4) Cloud cover obliterates Mount Rushmore while you can clearly see all > the roads and parking areas next to it. Team America must've been conducting exercises at that time ;) > 6) How close can you zero in on "Area 51" in Nevada? "I'm sorry, but we don't have imagery at this zoom level for this region. Try zooming out for a broader look." I think Google's satellite maps are going to be only as good as the source of the maps wishes them to be. -- Ted Louis Glenn (tlglenn AT mindspring.com) Tucson, Arizona, United States Do not place my email address in a public place without my consent.