Brian-Team A.I., You wrote: "If we have to worry about a group of thugs that can't even flick a BIC, there isn't much to worry about." I disagree! There's a lot to worry about. There's an increase in kidnapings and crime against U.S. citizens visiting Mexico. The situation with Mid-Eastern, South American, Chinese, and North Korean terrorists coming across the border is escalating. Our Border Patrol is on heightened alert to a more brazen illegal coming across our border, showing more resistance and danger. Our citizens who live along the border are seeing more crime and resistance from the illegals. We have a lot to worry about! Rand Hardin (RandMan) *********************************************************************** BRIAN-TEAM A.I. WROTE: Yeah, I know the relations suck, and they aren't going to get any better anytime soon. I'm sorry, but if those morons were chanting "Osama!" they really need to come up with original material. If we have to worry about a group of thugs that can't even flick a BIC, there isn't much to worry about. :) Brian Team A.I. *********************************************************************** RAND HARDIN RESPONDED TO BRIAN: Brian-Team A.I., I just went back over my deleted emails and couldn't find your post (what was your Subject line?). I guess it didn't make it to me yet. Yes, I found that quote interesting too! I have a strong feeling that things are going to get out-of-hand at times. The whole Mexico/U.S. relations is bad. I just read an article on the DRUDGE REPORT: It stated that at the beginning of the U.S./Mexico socceer match that was held in Mexico City yesterday, that Mexican fans were booing the U.S. national anthem; and some fans were chanting "Osama! Osama!". Some fans tried burning the American flag after the game, but ended up stomping on it. SOCCER GAME ARTICLE: Rand Hardin (RandMan) ************************************************************************ BRIAN (TEAM A.I.) RESPONDED: You're about an hour late, Rand. :) I just posted a link to an article about this a little while ago. I found one of the quotes pretty funny though. The guy organizing all of this is ex-military, and states that the threat isn't being taken very seriously because due to the fact that over half of the volunteers are combat veterans. This should be interesting. Brian Team A.I. ************************************************************************ RAND HARDIN POSTED: I don't know if there are any caches along the Arizona/Mexico border, but if so, geocachers need to be aware of possible problems. The 1000+ volunteers of the MINUTEMAN PROJECT will be conducting patrols along part of the border for the month of April. A violent Central America-based gang (Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13) has issued orders to teach "a lesson" to the Minuteman volunteers. There could be some problems for anyone in the area, and should be aware. WASHINGTON TIMES ARTICLE (GANG WILL TARGET...): MINUTEMAN PROJECT WEBSITE: Rand Hardin (RandMan) ***********************************************************************