Brian,They will not let me place a power trail any where in the state,it would not matter if there was not a home or cache within 50 miles.It would not matter if God approved it! If they would allow me to place my power trail out in the middle of nowhere I would do it in a New York minute! If you all do not believe me please email Artemis or Coadmin and they will confirm what I'm saying is true. On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 19:15:14 -0700, Guy Aldrich wrote: > Brian,They will not let me place a power trail any where in the > state,it would not matter if there was not a home or cache within 50 > miles.It would not matter if God approved it! If they would allow me > to place my out in the middle of nowhere I would do it in a New York > minute! If you all do not believe me please email Artemis or Coadmin > and they will confirm what I'm saying is true. > > Guy > > > On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 17:57:15 -0800 (PST), TEAM 360 wrote: > > > > > > > > OK group, lets have a new issue! > > > > > > If you just want to slap your address-label-size 'I WAS HERE' > > sticker, or perhaps use a 2" X 3" 'TEAM GAWDAWFULL' stamp in a normal > > size logbook, by all means go ahead! > > If it's a micro-cache logsheet, and said sticker or stamp is going > > to take up 3-4-5-(or maybe more) lines, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be > > considerate of fellow cachers and the cache owner, break out a talking > > stick and practice your penmanship! > > > > Hear, hear...while doing maintenance on my "Canyon Lake Vista" cache today, > > Scott of RopingTheWind and I both had some choice words to say about a > > cacher who placed their sticker SIDEWAYS on the micrologsheet, taking up > > about 8 or 9 spaces...gee, why not just slap a full-sized bumper sticker > > with your team name across the whole front of the logsheet, and then drop me > > a note to say the logsheet is full?? > > > > > > Good to hear T360 is still around, doesn't someone have a spare E-TREX > > this guy can borrow? > > > > Steve > > > > WHAA? You actually expect me to use a GARMIN?? Just kidding, all you Garmin > > lovers out there.... > > > > > > > > Actually, you forgot a huge part of what's been going on during the last few > > years with the local community. > > > > Nope, I remember the efforts of everyone quite clearly. Kudos for all that > > has been done. > > Finally seeing more to graldrich's concept, I'm still on the fence. With > > multiple teams participating, it's kind of a cool idea. Depending on where > > it was that the concept was to be implemented could sway me either way. > > There are 100 caches within 5.1 miles of the trailhead mentioned for that > > power trail. This isn't even counting distances along the cache route, so I > > feel that in this case it would be a saturation. Look up here, for example, > > and that might be different. The cache count in this state overall is a > > fraction of Arizona. Such a concept would probably do well up here, because > > the area overall is far from becoming saturated. In that respect, I think > > it boils down to geography and caches already available, which I bet had > > something to do with the rejection of the initial concept, however it was > > presented. > > > > I was thinking the exact same thing, except I was comparing Arizona with > > California. When you look at those two, Arizona has a fraction of what is > > placed out in Cali. > > > > Would it really be any different what Groundspeak is doing if the > > headquarters was in Scottsdale, Glendale or even Tucson? If the policy > > implementation was the same, would the ill will toward them still be at such > > a level? Also, it appears that is more open to what's going on than > > you give them credit for. More and more they are seeking input from Joe > > Cacher for developments of aspects of geocaching, but the group up there now > > is implementing policy for the betterment of the community, to prevent it > > from becoming a monster that cannot be controlled. > > > > If they are so open to "Joe Cacher", they should let graldrich place his > > Power Trail. > > In the end, should let Arizonans decide what types of caches we want > > to hunt. I would have to say that a majority of us down here in warm, sunny > > AZ (oops, did I say THAT, Brian? Going into the 80's this week, by the > > way...still got snow up there? Hehehehe..) would like to see this Power > > Trail... > > > > > > > > I wish you a rapid resolution to the job hunt, Jeff. > > > > Steve > > > > Team Tierra Buena > > > > Many thanks for the kind thoughts...keeping my fingers crossed... > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > > > ____________________________________________________________ > > Az-Geocaching mailing list > > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > > > > > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > > > > > > > > >