Gale,I was trying to do something SPECIAL not ordinary!I wanted something that when out of state cachers ask about a must do cache or must do series I wanted the answer to be that trail I was trying to put together!Right now if someone were to ask me what was my best caching experience I would say The Bearcreek Powertrail in LaQuinta ,California! In the end my original plan was so hacked to death it no longer was even appealing to me! On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 22:27:08 GMT, Rand Hardin wrote: > > I'm sitting here shaking my head and thinking about what Scott Sparks just wrote about multi-caches...and at the same time remembering "SPROCKET'S 12 STEP PROGRAM" (GCD812). (hehehehe) ;-) :-D > > SPROCKET'S 12 STEP PROGRAM: > > > Rand (RandMan) > > ************************************************************************ > > SCOTT SPARKS WROTE: > > Concerning the multi-cache versus multiple individual caches issue, I > would, by far, prefer to see multiple individual caches, each with > their own logbook. As anyone who has maintained or hunted for a > multi-cache knows, it only takes one missing step of a multi-cache to > make the whole multi-cache worthless and un-findable. > > ************************************************************************ > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > >