We can still to the best of my knowledge be proud of being the first to complete it from stop one to stop twelve in one session without leaving the park while towing two small children around. That cache is on my top 10 list without a doubt. Add to it the chasing the goose and ---- I am still trying to figure out how to pay sprocket back from this far south. hehehe On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 23:09:04 GMT, Rand Hardin wrote: > > Dave, > > I agree with you that the 12 Step Program is a great multi-cache. Scott's comments about multi-caches in general was something I thought was humorous considering he placed the 12 Step Program. The context about multi-caches vs. individual caches is exactly what the Power Trail discussion is about. > > Rand Hardin > (RandMan) > > ************************************************************************ > > DAVID THOMPSEN WROTE: > > It's funny that that cache comes up in the power trail context... I think that the 12 Step program is hands down the best multi cache of the 70-some that I've done. People will do multi's if they're quality. > > --Dave, The Cow Spots > > ************************************************************************