>From: Gale <sonoralovesmommy@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: listserv@azgeocaching.com,Artemis Approver <artemis.approver@gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Power Trail not approved!
>Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 19:39:19 -0800 (PST)
>Personally I agree with the decision not to approve a power trail as 
>originally designed. One thing I would like to add to the conversation 
>though (and not trying to challenge your authority at all) is that Im less 
>inclined to go after a long multi. This isnt because of a need for 
>numbers.......we have walked away from many caches without claiming them. 
>It is merely a frustration factor. We play for fun. It is not fun to waste 
>our time going after a multi and never finishing it because of a missing 
>piece. A multiple number of puzzle caches is more inclined to get our 
>attention because you do get a sense of accomplishment even if you dont 
>find them all. The thrill is just as real when you get that last one in the 
>series as you get when you get the final stage in a multi. Or maybe I just 
>like series caches.
>Just my opinion, and I know it doesnt mean much. You all will do what you 
>all will regardless.
>(Still sulking because I couldnt get the permission of the owner to place a 
>cache at the old historic >Buckhorn Baths, a place the stars used to go to, 
>with a gorgeous cactus garden......sigh.)

I have to agree with Gale here. I dont like multi's for two reasons. One, as 
noted above... if a part is missing and say you just found the first 2 or 3 
parts and then the cache gets archived! Second, I believe that each time my 
GPS takes me to a location (coordinates) and I have to 'find' something.. I 
think that should be another find. So, it is like finding 3 or 4 caches and 
only getting credit for one.  The multi's I do enjoy doing are the ones that 
all parts are within walking distance. Perhaps they are scattered about a 
big city park or something like that. I dont mind that. But when I have to 
get in the truck and drive a few miles to the next location.... I dont 
bother with those. All in all though, I do most all multi's. I am old school 
when it comes to geocaching and as long as the GPS leads you to it (and 
there is a container with a logbook at the end), I consider that to be 

On the other note Gale posted.... That old Buckhorn place would have been a 
great place to put a cache. It has some nice desert wash areas in which to 
hide a full size cache. Even though you couldnt get the cache approved.. 
this is an excellent 'example'. The area has a lot of history to it 
(Buckhorn Baths) and is a scenic little spot in the urban area. Also, she 
asked for permission first before placing the cache! So, we can all feel 
safe and not so awkward when searching for it. It would have been a well 
executed cache (permission obtained, scenic location, history.. basically 
some thought put into a cache!). Too bad the owner didnt want it there.

Team RTW