Well, there are many different kinds of geocachers, so what might not be fun for you and while you are trying to "cache-n-dash" might be just the challenge another cacher really enjoys. Having a note in the cache description that indicates it may be a crowded location is then a very useful warning for you to note if that type of cache is not your cup of tea or works against your goals for the day. Jim. On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 SSpackeen@aol.com wrote: > There ARE caches being placed in areas that are simply too crowded. > Recently I was at one where I couldn't make the grab for 10 minutes. > > On a cache-n-dash, this was a huge time expenditure and became somewhat > irritating too. I'm sure we have all had this experience. > > Therefore, why place caches where their location takes some of the fun out > of the sport? > Jim Scotti Lunar & Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 USA http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~jscotti/