>From: "Trisha" >Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] Movin on up! >Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 18:25:38 -0700 (MST) > >So you think I am not good at hiding urban caches? >Ask graldrich! >Trisha > >PS I fully expect a few to not last long as it is a learning >experience, but c'mon.... Trisha, That was meant to be a private email to Jeff responding to an email from him. I dont usually watch my grammar and such when I am typing an email to an individual. I know them, they know me and know what I mean when I say something. The text of that sentence was not to bash at your knowledge of hiding urban caches. I was simply noting that they were your caches. I know it didnt come across as such though. As far as my remark about them not lasting long... this doesnt refer to your urban caches alone... it refers to all urban caches (yes, except Galrdrich's and Tamo's uber micros!). most urban caches dont tend to stand the test of time. Obviously, there are exceptions to that. I always felt that if I didnt go for them right away, I might miss the opportunity to claim a find on it. Of course, I am not really into the numbers game anymore. So, that doesnt bother me. I reached my goal of getting #1. Been there, done that and dont need to chase it again. However, when you first placed all those PV park series caches.... that was a great opportunity to make a run down from Sedona (where I am at presently). A bunch of caches that would be worth the drive. I dont really have a desire to travel very far for caches these days, unless I can find a bunch to make it worth the drive. Of course, it was also an opportunity to get out and simply do some geocaching. I do still enjoy it, I just tend to pick and choose which ones I want to find now. Over the past several months, my desire to do urban caches as greatly diminished. Although, I have claimed a few finds on them. But, I havent had any desire to make any big urban cache runs. Prescott Valley seems a bit different though than the style of urban caching found down in Phoenix. I have made way too many trips for an urban micro only to not find it and then find out it was missing anyways. There are many factors that contribute to this. A cacher being seen by a nearby resident or someone else and they get nosy and want to investigate or perhaps it is the ol' keyholder under a parkbench. That is an easy target for someone to accidentally stumble upon. Plain and simple... when caches are hidden in populated locations, they stand a much higher risk of being found by a someone walking by or kids playing or whatever. Yea, there are exceptions to this and that is usually in the way of uber micro caches. You know, those really really tiny microscopic caches that cant even hold a respectible size logbook. I have absolutely no desire to seek them out. They take very careful perusal of the area to find one of those and in many cases I have been approached by policemen or security or someone wanting to know what I am doing. yea, what I am doing is probably legal and all, I just dont care deal with that. Also, you have to expect that a cacher could give a cache of this type away... simply because they are spending way too much time concentrating on an object in a park or wherever and of course that is going to arouse suspicion by someone. Thats just how it is with urban micro's. There is no way around that, even though the geocachers intent is not to be seen. I am going to forward another post right after this one that shares a post someone made on a geocaching forum somewhere. It was forwarded to me by another geocacher. I totally agree with that letter/post. Of course, those as well as my thoughts above are strickly my opinion and how I feel about urban caches and, in particular, micro caches. I felt the need to share these thoughts since my private email leaked into the public eye :) LOL I'm not one to normally express my opinions about something publically. But, again.. that was to be a private post. Of course, this is a geocaching forum and since we are now on the subject... it is of worthy discussion. Again, lately I have really been enjoying the occasional cache I have found as I have been really only doing wilderness hiking caches around Sedona. They are my kind of fun. Nothing against your caches Trisha, just my opinions in general on that type of caches you recently hid (urban micro caches). I am sure I will enjoy seeking them out though as I do enjoy getting into different towns and small towns to geocache. So, it will not truly hold the 'feel' of urban caches as much as it feels in Phoenix. PS.. Trisha... great to hear you are going to be at the Chris Ledoux concert! I dont miss a CL concert anywhere with 500 miles of Phoenix! It isnt uncommon for us to attend 2-4 of his concerts each year! I have EVERY single one of his albums, dating back to 1972. A true cowboy singer! We will have to try and meet up while there. I will be the one with the cowboy hat on! HA! LOL :) At a CL concert, that should narrow it down a litle bit, eh? :) LOL I might be found in Club 52 playing some poker before the concert too. You could look for the guy with the cowboy hat on in there perhaps. Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ Overwhelmed by debt? Find out how to ‘Dig Yourself Out of Debt’ from MSN Money. http://special.msn.com/money/0407debt.armx