So you think I am not good at hiding urban caches?
Ask graldrich!

PS I fully expect a few to not last long as it is a learning
experience, but c'mon....

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 11:05:56 -0700, "Roping The Wind" wrote:

> Hey Jeff,
> If you havent gone out yet for those caches yet today... perhaps you
> would 
> like to wait until Thursday and we could team up for a big ass day
> caching around Prescott?
> Tomorrow I have a poker tournament out at Cliff Castle at 7pm, so
> likely come home from my flight in the morning and just sleep for a
> while 
> (have a flight thursday morning as well, so will be up late that
> Wednesday 
> night). Friday is the Chris Ledoux concert out at the casino. Brent
> coming up and we are going to that. But, Thursday is open and I sure
> would 
> like to knock out those 13 new caches in PV before they are gone (you
> know, 
> Trisha hid then and they are urban caches so.....).  :)
> In addition to those, we could probably hit several more as well.
> Perhaps 20 
> in a day.. or better?
> Thursday is open if you want to go. We could hit the new PVones in
> morning and then do lunch and do some hiking caches/urban caches in
> the 
> afternoon. I can probably be down in PV by about 11am or so.
> Otherwise, I will try and get down there possibly on Monday or
> or 
> sometime for those caches.
> If Rugerdog cant get me the Hogan's Hotel pic soon... I will try and
> take 
> another one myself. I dont have a digital camera at this time. But,
> want to 
> get one soon. So, perhaps I can get it taken soon. But, probably not
> until I 
> get settled in back in Mesa. Maybe before. I will try though! I dont
> like to 
> claim a 'find' when I didnt really find it. The pic is part of the
> 'find' to 
> actually find it. I want my name in a logbook (or a pic or something
> if it 
> is a virtual). I will call Rugerdog and see if he even still has the 
> pictures. It is probably in his damn camera still! :)
> Scott
> Team Ropingthewind
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