Went looking for Freestone Follies this week end, a wonderful puzzle cache and a beautiful park. When we got B 111 45.948 I edited another waypoint and carelessly put in 111 46.948 thinking that only the numbers after the decimal changed! This sent me and the six year old grandson down the canal away from the park. When I realized my error we were .95 miles from where we started so we ended up walking an extra 1.8 miles. It was hot and the grandson was demanding a drink so we had to find a circle K before we could continue. At D I think it was I found an error that when I returned home and checked the internet found it has been reported years ago but never fixed. It says "Closes at D:30 pm". The sign has "Closes at D:00 pm". So I am not sure whether it is 8, 9 or 10 that it closes. Since 10 is a two digit number I am think 8 or 9. Since the puzzel is W 111 45.DEF I will be of by .1 of a second of arc. Since my experience at B put me off by roughly a mile I think I am off by .1 of a mile if I am wrong. Close examination shows the times were changed and you see the old times which were also in the form of D:00. So this park has changed the times, it used to be a seasonal set of hours where the September hours were different from June. C = the number of languages on the sign is also a problem since there is a braile plaque, is this a language? N 33 21.ABC tells me that north I can be off by .001 miles or about 6 feet so this one does not matter. So I figure I know north pretty well and know west give or take a tenth of a mile. So this experience got me thinking about the math. So I tried to calculate what error a second of arc would be and came up with 1.15 miles. So an error in A is 611 ft, B an error of 61 ft, C an error of 6 ft. So I either have the location and can't find the cache or I am 611 feet to the west of it. Jim Krider (KNOWBODY)