I happened to notice this news article on the front page of my cableaz.com homepage. It is actually posted at azcentral.com http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/0607cashriver07.html I thought about it since I remember doing a cache down in there a year ago. Wazowski's Porthole via Intel Inside (GCBE7F). I dont ever remember seeing any private property signs posted the way I drove into it. But, anyways... I guess it is. They are apparently coming down pretty hard on tresspassers in that area along the Salt River from 18th St to 83rd Ave area or so. The part of the article that leaves a question mark in my mind is when the Police was quoted as saying that a landowner had the right to 'arrest' someone for trespassing on their property. Really? Doesnt the person that is trespassing have to be fairly warned first? First off.. there has to be no trespassing signs or private property signs cleary posted around the property. Otherwise, the person is not 'knowingly' trespassing. If there are no signs... then after a reasonable request by the landowner to leave, the person must leave. If not.. then they are trespassing. That is the way I understand it anyways. So, I guess.. after that point in time.. the landowner could make an 'arrest'. ???? hhmmm. Interesting. Anyways, thought I would share this article with yall. Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ Getting married? Find great tips, tools and the latest trends at MSN Life Events. http://lifeevents.msn.com/category.aspx?cid=married