Although I see your point, there are a couple of things to keep in mind: Most travelbugs, not all but most, have a specific goal. In my personal opinion, unless you're in a position to assist the bug in achieving it's goal, you should leave it for someone who can. Every now and then I run across a TB in an exposed cache, or notice that the cache hasn't been visited for quite some time, and I'll move that TB to a more secure or more active location. In recent experience with one of my own TBs, it was removed from a large, secure cache and relocated to a very exposed urban micro in a public park. Not only was the person who moved the TB unable to assist the bug in reaching the goal, but that person put my bug at risk by relocating it to such an exposed cache. If the bugs don't have a specific goal, more power to you. Take 'em, log 'em, and have fun. But if they have a specific goal that you're unable to help with, leave 'em alone unless they're in a bad location. Just my two cents ... which could have been spent on gas. :-) --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.699 / Virus Database: 456 - Release Date: 6/4/2004