I'm have been watching this episode as an outside observer, since I don't know any of the people involved, and I wasn't one of the ones called for the "business" deal. As an uninvolved person, I feel compelled to make an observation about this list. This group can be very hostile in general, and this incident, which would have gone virtually unnoticed on the other lists I subscribe to, is a perfect example. I am a member of a VW Vanagon mailing list with 1600 members, and this list, with far fewer members, still seems to generate more flames and email wars in a month than the Vanagon list does in a year. Certainly there is a high level of "cliqueishness" to be found here, but that doesn't begin to explain the level of hate I see transmitted back and forth. What is up with you guys? Bill in Willcox (and glad to be out of the line of fire)