Welcome Squishy Gecko! Being an amateur herpatologist, I love that name! We are glad you are 'here'....geocaching....and in this virtual family... and hope you enjoy your caching experiences. If you are headed up Prescott way and want any suggestions, please let me know, I'd be glad to help. I think the "Team" thing is not something set in stone. It seems to be just one more fun way to refer to your selves. I cache as "Lightning" (full name Lightning1996YCJP, which references my search and rescue jeep posse number) and when my hubby is with me he is "VStar". (after the motorcycle). Awhile ago, when my now-teenage daughters came along with us (one now 'hates' it, the other 'doesn't care' ....blah blah blah teenage verbiage) the older one was "glow gurl" and the younger was "thunderbolt" and we dubbed the whole family "Team Storm Cell" but it was not official, just for fun in a few of the logs we did all together. Anyway, glad you spoke up and remember, it's a game and it's supposed to be fun! Trisha "Lightning" Prescott www.ycjp.org On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 14:39:51 -0700 (PDT), SquishyGecko wrote: Hi all ...   Fairly new to the geocaching hobby, however I've already located four caches and have ordered a few travel bugs of my own to start planting around the greater Phoenix area. :)   The equipment I'm using is a Toshiba laptop with a GPS receiver, a wifi card, and DeLorme Maps.  Maybe someday I'll purchase a handheld GPS receiver and make life a little easier.   I've noticed there are quite a few teams operating, and wonder what the benefit of operating within a team might be.  Are there team-oriented events?   Aside from that, any tips and advice which you might offer would be awesome.   Thanks!  Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th