Brian, What a bummer! I hope I never encounter something like that. Your story makes my (untold) story of how I slowed down for a mule deer last week only to see it hit by an oblivious driver in car coming in the opposite direction seem like a picnic. Trish, I hope you'll at least post the coordinates beforehand so some of us can at least ''search'' for you. :-) As much as I hate to admit it, I too have become affected by the holiday seasons in recent years. I don't get depressed though; what I feel is anger and rage. Primarily at those who have turned what should be a joyous celebration into a commercial venture and at those who are brainwashed and buy into the hype (or should I say tripe.) And you know who you are... but then again... maybe you don't. :-) If you see me with a .357, it won't be aimed at myself. :-D -- Sprocket