>From: "Patrick Brown" >Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >To: >Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Camp out event cache >Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 11:46:28 -0700 > > We Have added two more caches to the area of the campout event cache. >That >makes 8 in the area full time and 9 for the weekend. That should make the >trip worth it. > >Patrick Brown >PANDA77 Although Team Ropingthewind has been on a bit of a hiatus from geocaching for the time being, we are planning on attending this campout event cache. I have business with the nearby business, so thought this would be the perfect opportunity to enjoy an event cache at the same time! So, unless I end up with business here in the valley that weekend, we are planning on attending. I just havent posted on the cache web page yet, as our attending cant be confirmed until the day before. If we do make it up there... Team Ropingthewind is bringing the caching mobile along... that being our hot air balloon! :) :) :) I plan on taking the owner of the nearby business up on a balloon flight. We are presently thinking of going up for only one day (and probably camping out the night before) and flying the balloon that morning. I might just decide to stay and fly again on Sunday (or maybe saturday afternoon) and perhaps I can get one of the nearby caches by balloon! There are like 8 caches within perhaps a mile of the event cache site in several directions, so there is a decent chance I could nab one by balloon! :) yehaw! I will post a note on the cache web page when we know for sure that we are attending. Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ Crave some Miles Davis or Grateful Dead? Your old favorites are always playing on MSN Radio Plus. Trial month free! http://join.msn.com/?page=offers/premiumradio