I'll second that (Sprocket's) thought even tho' I am a week late
reading my emails!

I love to get out and read historical markers, plaques, etc. I did it
well before geocaching gave me another reason to stop. Luckily I am
married to a man who isn't the type who is always in a hurry just for
the sake of hurrying...he likes to learn things too.

I've read the entire code-talkers exhibit info in the Burger King in
Kayenta everytime I go thru there (so far three times). (At least that
one is air-conditioned and you can eat, too!) I find the history or
significance of a particular place I am seeing to be very interesting.
For example, I have read the entire "History of our Town" exhibit (one
wall) in the McDonald's in Hawthorne, Nevada. I've stopped and
actually read the "dreaded"  :-) Silver Peak Nevada Historical Marker,
(the subject of the VC controversy awhile back ....I am NOT trying to
start anything, no need to reply about it)....geocache or not, I find
them interesting.

People who do NOT like to stop and read such things are, IMHO, missing
out on some interesting info, and probably ahead of me on the highway!
but no more or less a decent person. Just a difference in interests. 

Trisha "Lightning"

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 21:06:12 -0700, Scott Sparks wrote:

> >
> >
> >I haven't had the desire to
> >find out more about why the monument or marker was
> >placed there. I imagine most other cachers are about
> >the same. 
> >
> >=====
> >FriarED
> >
> Don't assume your opinion is shared by "most other cachers."  I, for 
> one, do take an interest in all sorts of historical events and
> locations 
> in our fair state and have been introduced to some of them by
> geocaches.
> -- Sprocket
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