>From: TeamDaSH@aol.com
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] opencaching.com
>Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 05:38:03 -0400
>Anyone seen this new website?

I personally have no desire to go anywhere else but geocaching.com. I have 
never really been a fan of all these new types of caches... locationless, 
webcams, multi's, etc and it would be cool to see a site dedicated to only 
pure geocaching (coordinates take you to the cache container). However, on 
the other hand, I also think I would loose alot of interest in the game if 
there were multiple websites that had to be perused to find all the caches. 
It seems right now that all geocaches are pretty much on geocaching.com and 
only a VERY small percentage of those are being posted in duplicate on the 
other 'wanna be' sites. Geocaching.com is where it all began and in the end, 
where it will all remain. It is a waste of my time to even bother to search 
the other sites. I have only looked at Navicache once or twice and only 
because the site was brought up in a discussion here or somewhere else and I 
clicked on a link to it. I was never impressed with the site and the lack of 
caches available on there and those that are where also available on 
Geocaching.com. So, why look at both sites?

Team Ropingthewind

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