(raising hand) I believe I can answer that, at least for the Prescott NF. The Forest Service does not do this (full closure) lightly. It is a VERY serious decision, and when this very question came up in our meeting with the FS last month (why not give more notice) the answer was because CLOSURE is the last option, they try everything else first, (levels of restriction, which by the way are more ignored than you would imagine) and it depends alot on the current weather which is not known (as you know) until a few days (or even 48 hrs) before hand. Major holiday weekends are a specific threat. The FS has to balance the inconvenience and complaints of the public against the risks/costs/loss/etc. Our Ranger who we talked with says that his boss really agonizes over the decision (which is why we are open,,,,GRRRR) The monsoon is late this year. Had is rained, or the humidity/dew point at least gone up prior to the actual start, perhaps they may not have closed it (except with the fire in the Coronado, there may be other factors we are not aware of). Anyway, Scott, I share your disappointment with the lessening of recreational activities available. By all means, if you have family living someplace where there are recreational activities, consider moving. (but watch out for....see my other list! :-) Trisha Prescott On Tue, 01 Jul 2003 22:20:02 -0700, Scott Wood wrote: > > At 06:28 PM 7/1/2003 -0700, you wrote: > >I'm sorry you feel that way, but what do you expect them to do? It's > not > >like they have any control over the drought. Closing the forests is > about > >the only thing they can do. Even if you could guarantee you wouldn't > start > >a fire, if one happens then they have to spend manpower and money to > get > >you out. Given budget crises in this state, that's tax money they > don't > >have to spare. I've lived here for 33 years, it's a part of Arizona > life. > >It's just gotten worse because of the drought situation. > > How about telling people that they are going to close it weeks before > a > major holiday weekend. Why the need to wait until just a couple days > before the holiday when people have plans? > > You are correct about it being part of Arizona life, it is just that I > am > having more and more trouble tolerating that life. > > > > Scott > > scott@myblueheaven.com > www.myblueheaven.com > > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > http://www.azgeocaching.com