no sweat your welcome


Ford, Denny wrote:
> Brian,
> I want to say thank you for all you guys do, and for your website.  You make Geocaching easier, and for us
> technologically challenged so much easier.
> Denny
> Tres Hombres
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Cluff []
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Question for the Masters of Z
> Yes, it should work....
> Looks like the the same &not_found problem and Internet Explorer poped 
> up again.  I've gotten sick of fixing this problem, so I've changed 
> every occurance of not_found to notfound.  That should fix it forever, 
> but might break someone links out there... sorry 'bout that.
> Brian Cluff
> Team Snaptek
> Ford, Denny wrote:
>> I have been playing around with building a customize book for my Palm and I got it to work thanks to all the help out
>>there.  I have a question of the web site, when I go into my team page , and select to Team specific Cache list,
>>and if I center on a cache, like around my house it takes out the column on whether it was found by my team or not.  
>>Should it do this, or am I doing something wrong?
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