I visited a cache a few days ago (cant recall which one off hand) and when I got home and logged my visit, it showed that there were 3 travel bugs in this cache. I didnt see any TB's in there or I would have taken one out! I am the last visit to the cache and it kinda makes me look like the culprit here. If people are going to take TB's, they need to learn how to move them along first. This was a cache that doesnt get a whole lot of visitors either. I wonder how many TB's get taken by new cachers and dont ever end up back in another cache again? I occasionally see a travel bug that will have, in addition to the TB tag, another laminated tag that explains what the purpose/goal of a TB is and that way a newcomer will understand what to do with it and how to log it in to help it move along. Scott Team RTW _________________________________________________________________ Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail