> It will have a rating system so that > everyone that "finds" a gnosh will be able to come and review them as > well, and lots of "stats" (stats... we know nothing about stats hehehe) Oh, Lord, I can see it now... "If I ate at a place that was so awful I couldn't keep the food down, do I still get credit for the gnosh?" "How do I claim the record for the most gnoshes in 24 hours consisting entirely of restaurants whose names end in 'Berto's'"? "We found the restaurant, but it went out of business while we were walking up to it, so we're going to claim it anyway." (Republic Headline): "Gnoshing outlawed at Deer Valley Rock Art Center vending machines -- 'Not the kind of quarters we want', says official. (Republic Headline): "Gnoshers banned from Cave Creek biker bars -- called 'a threat to wild life'". > They can find a code in a cache and write it on a coupon that they print > on the site and get a discount... anyway, just one of the ideas I have. So, will there be a ban on non-commercial gnoshes? Steve Team Tierra Buena PS: Seriously, now -- is the "g" in "gnoshing" silent?