--- Terry Hernlund wrote: > Are you saying that you go out for 1000 caches at a > time? We all begin by looking at all of the caches in the state that we haven't hit and start filtering. > > If the ratings are consistent, and people stop > > branching off on their own, then it becomes a lot > > easier to search for caches. > > Agreed, but doesn't speak to my point. I believe it does. You seem to be saying that ratings don't matter because people should be reading the descriptions anyway. I say they should be reading the descriptions of caches they are interested in, not ones they have filtered out for one reason or another. > > Think of it this way, would you get upset if you > went > > to a four step multi-stage, that said you needed > to > > bring a calculator, with a 1/2 rating and > discovered > > the last stage required you to do calculus? Sure, > the > > special equipment requirement was specified but > the > > level of skill operating that equipment wasn't and > the > > fact that the equipment was needed anyway, means > it > > should be listed as a 5. > > > > I was talking about terrain (which unless I'm > mistaken is what the thread > was talking about), not difficulty. What's the difference? They're two sides of the same coin. > The cache you describe would no doubt > be a 5 difficulty, but could very easily be a 1 > terrain. Not according to some of the arguments pointed out here. Those comments being that the equipment was listed in the cache description thus there's no need for increasing the rating. > > Moot anyway. I think you misunderstand me. I'm not > knocking the rating > system, I'm simply saying that as difficulty AND > terrain rating rise, you > really ought to be reading the description. If you > don't read the > description on a 5-rated cache, you'll likely get as > much enjoymentout of it > as research you put in. None. I certainly agree with that statement. I think that anyone who doesn't read the description deserves what they get. My concern revolves around the ease of making a decision. While I'd prefer to leave any special instances out of the terrain and difficulty ratings, there is no other place to put filtering information except there. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com