O.K. I wanted to let the people here know that I have made contact with the person who made the complaint and we have agreed to discuss this sometime next week. The subject is not Shelly. I appreciate all of the support and will keep you updated on what happens. Ken WhereRWee? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chelby Geiss" To: Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:38 AM Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Is Shelly at it a again or what????? > OK, IMO it is the wrong this to do to boycott the DVRAC until we know > the whole story. I am not convinced that this letter to geocaching.com > is truly from the "higher ups." I can't imagine that any of our local > struggling museums would bash something so severely that brings in > support! I know from working with people at the Pueblo Grande Museum > that they greatly appreciate the traffic from the virtual cache placed > there by Libby. May I suggest that when you do go to one of these > museum virtuals, sign the guest book and if there is a "How did you > hear about us?" make sure you put www.geocaching.com! They actually > read those!!! > > I have emailed Kristy, my friend at the Pueblo Grande (who is an > archeologist and has absolutely nothing against geocaching), to see if > she knows any of the people at DVRAC (she's involved with a lot of the > city wide museum meetings and such, so hopefully she does). I'm still > waiting to hear back from her. > > And just like with the recent issues with Mesa Ranger District, PLEASE > remember that if you do contact DVRAC, remember to be level headed and > EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION! > > > Team desertSol > Chelby & Kevin > + > Kiva and Lancer (German Shepherds) > Apache Junction, AZ > www.desertsol.com/~chelby/geocaching > > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > http://www.azgeocaching.com >