YEHAW! Down with locationless caches! :) :) :) I am with the huge majority on this one (I have read the forums and most all seem to favor a seperate category. I do beleive that there is a place for locationless caching.. however, I have always said it should be in it's own category... just like benchmarks. I have logged only ONE locationess cache... ever. That was way back when I first started geocaching. I didn't like the 'feel' of it. It just isnt geocaching. Geocaching is when the GPS takes you to a location... whether it be for a virtual or an actual container (I of course dont care for virtuals, but as long as the GPS takes you there.. I don't particularly have a problem with them. Heck, I have visited some really interesting virtuals and have learned alot about Arizona history and other history from them). Logging a locationless is like creating your own cache. You choose the location and post the coordinates. That is not geocaching. Where is the navigation, the use of the GPS to get you there, the hunt? I am pleased to see that is finally going to remove locationless caches from the system. Of course, It will not change my numbers any, cuz' I have only logged one! :) HA! Scott Team RTW _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.