Ahhhh....the ultimate in "locationless" caches!*
I look forward to reading the meeting notes both on the listserv(az) and maybe here in this cache page. It's interesting to note that the "problems" seem to be fairly universal....
Trisha "Lightning"
*it's a joke, get it? "Where's a cop when you need them...."?
On Fri, 27 September 2002, Tim Giron wrote:
I remember a cache a while back that could be counted as a find, if you talked to official (NPS,USFS ect) about geocaching..... I can not find the page now...if anyone remember this cache please let me know the waypoint.... Might as well get a find for the meeting tonight.......
We will be known by the tracks we leave behind
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~