I was one of the visitors to the Lake Pleasant cache after the physical cache was removed. It was a virtual cache when I visited it. While not specifically looking, I didn't notice any ATV tracks, trash, or destruction of the area. It was just another normal desert setting, among a cholla forest. I parked around .35 (?) miles away on an established 4WD trail (not a narrow ATV trail). I did see a narrow foot trail going in the direction of the cache, but ended up following game trails. This petroglyph is shown on the Topo maps. I even met an ATV rider nearby who had visited the site before. He told me of a better location nearby. I don't know what the place looked like before my visit. But it didn't look "trashed" or destroyed to me. Larry Farquhar Team "Wyle E" www.happy-wanderers.com -----Original Message----- From: Jim Scotti [mailto:jscotti@jupiter.lpl.Arizona.EDU] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 11:01 AM To: listserv@azgeocaching.com Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Over reaction I agree completely with Scott's sentiment and won't be making any of my geocaches members only. If any of my geocaches are a problem with managers of the land I have placed them on, I would hope they would contact me (as one actually did when he found one of my caches near a trail that he wanted to close - he was happy to have a cache in the area, but just not at that location and the cache was subsequently replaced about a quarter mile away from the original site as a new cache). It looks like the article has generated at least one new member to this list already (welcome aboard!) as well as an "anti-member". I was also thinking of placing an "anniversary cache" soon. My first cache find was made on August 18 of last year. I just haven't figured out where it will go yet. Of course, I did not place a cache on my wedding anniversary a couple months back.... It's really too bad that the Republic article was so poorly researched and so obviously negligent in its accusations. It was good to hear from one of the few visitors to the geocache in question and supports what I think is a common feeling amoungst our group that it was not a geocacher who trashed the area and destroyed the site. I haven't met a bad geocacher yet, though of course, there must be the occasional bad apple in such a large and diverse group. Jim.