So Tim is it ok to hide caches in live electrical boxes? You appear to have conveniently left that part out. Also top of the line GPSr units have nothing to do with what Loran was suggesting, just more accurate coordinates on some caches would be nice. Almost all GPS's made within the last 5 years are able to be accurate to within +-15 feet. I've been to a few AZ caches where the coordinates were off by over 100 feet, I guess that's ok though right Tim. If the coordinates were accurate then you wouldn't have to worry about nearby property owners. Michael So let's recap for the viewers at home: 1. Only those of you with top of the line GPSr units should be hiding caches so that you can provide ultra-accurate coordinates to Loran; he doesn't want to have to actually look for the cache. 2. Please ensure that there are 99 or less places for Loran to look if it is an urban cache. 3. Loran cannot refrain from looking in places that he should not be, so please ensure that all of the snakes, spiders and scorpions in the area understand how to behave when he comes a-looking for your cache. Also please obtain waivers from any nearby property owners, warning them of the likelihood that Loran might stop by (and if he's been looking for a while, he will be positively peeved) 4. Hide your caches at least 100 miles away from Loran's home coordinates so we can stop the incessant whining. Loran, please provide your home coordinates (using a top of the line GPSr and try to minimize the environmental errors; accuracy, you know) to support this requirement. Lighten up dude... the heat is getting to you... Tim Team AZFastFeet _______________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list Arizona's Geocaching Resource _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: