Looks like the State Trust Land is closing also, unless caching isn't considered recreational use. Lets see, we still have urban caches left, for now. Ed Philpott Trail Gypsy http://www.land.state.az.us/news/2002/wildland_fire_emergency.htm STATE FORESTER PROHIBITION OF FIRE CAUSING ACTIVITIES AND FIREWORKS ON STATE TRUST LANDS ARIZONA STATE LAND DEPARTMENT FIRE MANAGEMENT DIVISION Pursuant to the provisions of ARS § 37-623b, the State Forester has declared the existence of a wildland fire emergency and the State Forester has declared a prohibition on all recreational activities on state trust lands in all Arizona counties EXCEPT Mohave, La Paz, and Yuma counties. The current restrictions on open fires, fireworks, and smoking are still in effect statewide on all state trust lands. The closure of the specified state trust lands for recreational use and the following restrictions on fire causing activities on the state trust lands will be effective from May 24, through August 31, 2002, or until further notice. Entry to the state trust lands for recreational use or camping. Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire, or charcoal burning device, except as specifically permitted by the State Forester on a case-by-case basis; Using fireworks, as defined in ARS § 36-1601; Smoking, except within a closed vehicle, building, developed campground or while stopped in an area at least 3 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials. These restrictions also apply to all lease and permit holders. Any State, federal, or local fire or law enforcement officer, or member of an organized firefighting force is exempt from these prohibitions while in the performance of their official firefighting duties. Michale E. Anable Date State Forester 5/22/02