Please bear in mind that I am a beginner... that being said, I d/l the entire waypoint file for all of AZ from the side. What nice timesaver! So I was off this weekend to find my first caches. Much to my surprise, I had great difficulty. None of the caches I found were anywhere close to where my GPS told me they should be. Most were 300 or so feet off. So when I got home I checked the coordinates on the web site ( and low-and-behold, by GPS did not have the same coordinates. So I checked the raw data in the EasyGPS file and they appeared to be correct, but not so in my GPS. I double checked and my GPS is set for WGS84 datum. Is EasyGPS mucking up the coordinates, or is it my GPS? BTW, I still found all the caches :-) -- Karl Smith +-+ Threadhead AKA- The Silent Yellow Dog Team