> By the way - what does SNAPTEK stand for - or mean? There is a lot of history to that word.... Jason and I grew up as neighbors (he lived behind me). We tended to have almost the exact same interests the goals and hung out so much that even to this day we can tell what the other person is going to say a lot of the time. Anyway, some time when we were your we start replacing a lot of the english language with the word snap. I think is was Jason that started it all. We later decided that snap was an acronym for "Super gNarly All-purpose Phrase". Years later and having grown up quite a bit we decided that we needed to make some money off our love for all techknowlegy type things and we decided to go under the name snaptek of couse changing tech to tek just to be a little different. We started out doing 3D rendered graphics and have since moved on to mostly doing Linux related stuff. I don't know if you even chopped the geocaching off of the domain or not to get http://snaptek.com, but if you did you would find a site, horribly in need of an update, that I threw up years ago to show off some of the graphical talents we had going. The only problem is that I never really put much of a gallery up to look at, it really only is the first page. Anyway, these days it just means anything that has to do with techknowledy with Jason and I. (Like a GPS :) Brian Cluff Team Snaptek